Page 37 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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lamoni             LITTLE RIVER RECREATIONAL AREA     madison county               marshalltown
                                      20401 NW Little River Lake Rd
         LIBERTY HALL                 641-446-7307 / Year round           (SEE WINTERSET)       13TH STREET DISTRICT
         HISTORIC CENTER              Little River recreation Area is 2,200 acres               1301 Summit Street
                                      with a 787 acre lake that is great boating and
         1138 W Main St               fishing. There are two shelters, a beach, bait   madrid   641-753-6645
         641-784-6133 / Tues-Sat 10-4, Sun 1:30-4   shop, 3 cabins, archery range, and timber/  Sunrise to Sunset
         Closed in January and during the last week   upland areas for hunting.                 View Echo, a stainless-steel sculpture
         of December                                               CLAY CASTLE MUSEUM           standing 34-feet tall. This public art piece
         Built in 1881, this 18-room structure was   SOUTH CENTRAL IOWA THEATRE  109 W 2nd      is the center of festivals. A freedom mural
         home to the family of Joseph Smith III, first   208 N Main / 641-446-4186   515-795-3249 or 515-795-2799   located on Summit and 13th commemorates
         president of the Community of Christ (RLDS)   Fully restored vaudeville theatre with state-of-  By appt.   the armed service men, women and veterans
         and the founder of Graceland University.   the-art sound system and new seating. Shows   One of the largest doll collections in the   who have served our courntry.
         Furnished with period furniture and a gallery   at 7pm Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  United States. Over 1,000 dolls of all sizes
         of early photos.                                          and description, with some dating back   APPLEBERRY FARM
                                                                   to 1938. Museum also features coal mine   2402 West Main St
         AMISH COUNTRY STORE AND               Lineville           memorabilia.                 641-752-8443
         IOWA WELCOME CENTER                                                          
         I-35 Exit 4 / 641-784-4800   MEDICINE CREEK WILDLIFE AREA  IOWA ARBORETUM              Mon-Sat 9 am-6 pm; Sun 12-6 pm.
         Year-round 9-8               5 miles east of Lineville    1875 Peach Ave               Fresh produce in spring and summer.
         Free Iowa travel information. The Welcome   Year-round, outdoors   515-795-3216        Seasonal Spring Valley Sweet Corn and
         Center features an Amish Country Store,   641-873-4670            chocolate covered strawberries. Fall & holiday
         Bakery, and a Maid-Rite Diner. The store offers   Over 1,000 acres are being returned to native   Summer Hours: 9-4 weekdays, 10-4   decorations and gifts. Enjoy fresh cider, cider
         many unique items, including handmade   habitat with restored prairie, upland timber and   Weekends (April-Oct)  slushies, caramel apples, popcorn, honey and
         aprons, barn quilt wall art, candy, baskets,   140 acres of wetland. Enjoy wildlife,    Closed weekends Nov-March  more.  20 different varieties of apples you
         jams, pickles, furniture, rugs and the list goes   bird- watching, hunting, and the natural beauty   Visitor Center Hours 9-4 weekdays and 10-4   pick or for purchase.
         on. Check out the buddy-style seating and   of southern Iowa’s rolling hills.  summer weekends
         live-edge tables at the on-site Maid-Rite.                Iowa Arboretum & Gardens offers visitors 160
                                                                   acres of nicely landscaped gardens, stately   THE BIG TREEHOUSE
         COLISEUM THEATRE                        lucas             trees, and natural areas. Walk along peaceful   2370 Shady Oaks Rd
         100 N Maple St                                            woodland and prairie trails and observe   641-752-2946 /
                                                                   wildlife. Garden decor and unique gift items
         641-784-5665  / Shows Fri, Sat & Sun    JOHN L. LEWIS MINING                           June to Mid-Oct by appt.
         The Coliseum Theatre, located at the   & LABOR MUSEUM     can be found in the gift shop located inside   Unique 12-level treehouse built in a maple
         Northeast intersection of Main and Maple   102 Division St  the Visitor Center. The Arboretum is available   tree features music, sound effects, a spiral
         streets in Lamoni was built in 1911. Now a   641-766-6831  for weddings, meetings, and family events.    stairway, and gardens at historic Shady Oaks

         movie theatre it was first used by Graceland               Campground on the original Lincoln Highway.

         University for dance recitals.
                                      April 15-Oct. 15, Mon-Sat 9-3 or
                                      by appt. for groups.                    manly             CENTRAL IOWA FAIRGROUNDS
                  leighton            John L. Lewis was an American leader of   MANLY CABOOSE MUSEUM  1308 E Olive St
                                      organized labor who served as President of
                  (SEE PELLA)         the United Mine Workers of America from   Hwy 9 East      641-753-3671 /
                                                                                                Open daily, year-round, per schedule of events
                                      1920-1960.  He was a major player in the
                                      history of coal mining.  Museum contains a 40   641-454-3090  Home to the Central Iowa 4-H Fair each July, and
                                                                   Sat & Sun 2-4 and by appt.   the site of numerous horse shows, markets, and
                    leon              seat theatre and memorabilia.        Restored Rock Island Railroad caboose with   special events year-round. Call for a calendar
                                                                   museum items inside.         of events. Admission charged for some events.
         DECATUR COUNTY COURTHOUSE             lynnville
         207 N Main                                                       marble rock           F-4 PHANTOM FIGHTER JET
         515-446-4323 / Mon-Fri 8-4:30   LYNNVILLE MILL                                         1301 S 6th St / 641-751-8612
         Located on the town square, the courthouse is   641-792-9780   MARBLE ROCK HISTORICAL   Outdoors, visible year-round
         an example of Greek Revival architecture and   email:   SOCIETY  Local resident, Joe Latham, flew this F-4
         is listed on the National Register of Historic   Exterior always open; interior open    on Sept 14, 1966 over North Vietnam on
         Places. Murals on the walls resemble WPA   June- August, 2-4, every other Sunday   313 Bradford St.  his 45th mission. This F-4 serves as a
         post office art.             Historic water-powered mill along the North   641-397-2609 /
                                      Skunk River. Actually run by water-powered   Mem Day-Labor Day Sun 1-4  memorial to all veterans.
         DECATUR COUNTY               turbine.                     Visit five buildings adjacent to each other:    FUNERAL HOME MUSEUM AND
         HISTORICAL MUSEUM                                         Museum Hall, Bank Building Museum, Town   EDUCATION CENTER
         111 N Main                   MAASDAM SORGHUM MILL         and Country Museum, Pioneer Kitchen and   1201 Iowa Avenue West
                                                                   1850s Log Cabin.
         641-446-4991 / Mem Day-Labor Day   6495 E 132nd St S                                   641-844-1234 / Tues & Wed 1-3
         Tues & Fri 1-5 or by appt.   641-594-4369                 TOSANAK RECREATION AREA      Over 5,000 mortuary artifacts on display. One
         Three floors of unique collections.  Historical   Mid-Sept through first week in Oct (video tour   area is set up as a replica of a
         artifacts and antiques are displayed in various   available by appt. during off season)   2543 Glass Ave  Victorian-era parlor room and another is
         room settings, including an old general store,   See the process of making sorghum, from out   641-756-3490 /  dedicated to the funeral of President John F.
         parlor, kitchen, dining room, bedroom, and   in the fields to chopping and processing cane,   This 300 acre park features mature
                                                                   woodlands along the Shell Rock River.  Enjoy   Kennedy. Artifacts from around the world can
                                      and bottling of the finest product.
         blacksmith shop.                                                                       be found at this first and only facility of its
                                                                   hiking/cross country ski trails, bird/wildlife
                                                                   viewing, fishing, river access, shaded picnic   kind in Iowa.
                                                                   areas, camping,
                                                                   lodges and cabins.

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