Page 33 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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                                      201 West Lincolnway          In and around downtown Jefferson  105 W Harrison
         ARCH ALLEY                   515-386-2155          515-386-4141
                               Enjoy several art installations from yearly
         111 E. State St.             Statue honoring Doreen Wilber, the first Iowa   revolving outdoor sculptures on the   Mon-Fri 9-4
         515-386-2155                 woman to win a gold medal in the Olympic   courthouse plaza and at the Jefferson public   The museum, one of the first in the nation  Games. Learn her story as a competitive   library. Enjoy the several murals depicting life   dedicated to the preservation of telephone
         Arch Alley is a renovated alley space that
                                      archer and dedicated instructor.      in Jefferson. Public art can be enjoyed in and   history, was started in 1957. Many of the
         features three archways in the north alley of             around our downtown, a “Main Street” district.  items were collected by the Daubendiek
         the downtown square in Jefferson. The three   HISTORICAL PLAQUE WALK                   family, owners of Jefferson Telecom Company.
         arches symbolize the different pathways                   ROOF TOP ART VIEWED FROM     Other items were donated by other parties
         for Jefferson and Greene County. There are   Outdoors/Downtown Jefferson Square   MAHANY BELL TOWER   interested in the preservation of the past of
         also benches and a community poem on                            the telephone industry. Larger groups are
         display. Artist David Williamson worked with   A self-guided walking tour downtown will   104 E. State   asked to call 515-386-4141 to schedule a
         students in Greene County to get their ideas   reveal the history, the people, and the places   515-386-2155   convenient tour time.
         for castings in one of the arches. He also   that made Jefferson what it is today. Bronze   Weekends in May & October: 10-4 or by appt.
         incorporated Jefferson history and industry in   plaques on the lampposts around the square   Daily from Memorial Day – September: 10-4   THOMAS JEFFERSON GARDENS OF
         the castings. The arches are lit up at night.  will tell our story.  or by appt.
                                                           GREENE COUNTY EDUCATION &
                                      HISTORY BOY THEATRE & CO.    Sponsored by Tower View Team of Jefferson   WELCOME CENTER

         DEAL’S ORCHARD               115 S. Wilson Ave.           Matters: Main Street and created by various   201 E Lincoln Way
         1102 244th St.               515-370-5369                 artists, unique works of art can be found   515-386-2155
         515-386-8279             on the tops of the downtown buildings
                                                                   and viewed from the glass elevator and             Started in the summer of 2009, Robby   observation deck of the Mahanay Memorial   Weekends in May & October: 10-4
         July-Aug. Mon.-Sat 9-6; Sept-Oct. Mon.-Sat   Pedersen wanted the ability to choose his own      Daily from Memorial Day – September: 10-4
         8-6, Sun. 10-6; Nov. & Dec. Mon.-Sat. 9-6   shows and have artistic freedoms and created   Carillon Tower.       Welcome Center: Mon-Fri 10-4
         Sun. 1-6                     his own regional theatre company.  Striving   SALLY’S ALLEY   Greene County’s Front Door. Featuring prairie
         Family run apple orchard with over 25   for high quality theatre and choosing shows    gardens, heritage plants, outdoor musical
         varieties of apples, fresh seasonal produce,   that might not normally be done in smaller   115 E Lincoln Way   instruments, children’s garden and more.
         homemade pies, fresh & hard cider, pumpkin   cities, the theatre has 120 seats built into  Tours available. Welcome Center seats up to
         patch, and gift shop. In September/October   the back warehouse portion of his Historical   A Renovated alley space featuring the outdoor
         visit Apple Acres, a family fun zone, which   Furniture Shop & Museum for a unique one-  photography of Churdan native, Sally White.   50. Available for private events.

         includes a jumping pillow, slides, corn pool,   of-a-kind experience.       Featured are enlarged photos of native birds   WILD ROSE JEFFERSON CASINO
         goat run, corn maze, and more! Also enjoy                 of Iowa. Original poetry is found throughout
         free weekend hayrack rides. Make a return   LINDSEY MEMORIAL  the space as well as small green spaces and   AND RESORT
         trip in November/December to find Christmas   106 E Lincolnway   a lending library. This alley was featured   Hwy 30 & Hwy 4
         décor, holiday gift baskets, and a Christmas   on National Public Radio’s program “Hear   515-386-7777 /
         Tree Farm.                   515-386-2155 / Outdoors      and Now” as a prime example of creative   Wild Rose Jefferson is Iowa’s latest gaming,
         GREEN COUNTY FREEDOM ROCK    This monument is in honor of the Jefferson   placemaking in a community.     entertainment and events venue along with a
                                      native World War II Congressional Medal of
                                                                                                71-room hotel.
         East Lincoln Way near Greene   Honor recipient Captain Darrell R. Lindsey.   SIERRA COMMUNITY THEATRE
         County Fairgounds                                         212 E State                           johnston
         Installed in 2016.  One of a series of Freedom   LINCOLN HIGHWAY MEMORIAL  Open daily
         Rocks painted by Iowa artist Bubba Sorenson.  106 E Lincoln Way / Outdoors   515-386-3176 /
                              Opened on December 17, 1884 as Head’s   (SEE DES MOINES)
                                      highway-statue               Opera House, this building has always been
         GREENE COUNTY COURTHOUSE     1918 bronze statue of Abraham Lincoln stands   an entertainment venue through vaudeville
         114 N Chestnut               on the courthouse lawn as a monument   to today’s digital movies. Updated with Real
         515-386-5680 /   to the original Lincoln Highway - the first   D 3D capability, digital projection and the
         Mon-Fri 8-4:30               transcontinental highway across the U.S. Portions   best 7.1 Dolby sound, Sierra Community   did you know?
         Built in 1917, the courthouse boasts a domed   of the original highway run through the county   Theatre brings the latest releases and great
         rotunda with a stained glass ceiling. Offices   and are very scenic.   entertainment to Greene County and is   You can view rooftop art
         are accessed through archways of marble   MAHANAY MEMORIAL    owned and operated by a community non-
         that frame murals depicting the “progress of              profit board. Checkout their Facebook page   from the top of the
                                      CARILLON TOWER
         civilization” as recorded in Iowa.                        for listings and times.           Mahanay Bell Tower.
                                      Weekends in May & October 10- 4 or by appt.
         GREENE COUNTY                Daily from Memorial Day through end of Sept:
         HISTORICAL MUSEUM            10-4 pm
                                      168-foot tower features 47 cast bells with
         219 E. Lincolnway                                                                    201 East Lincoln Way • Jefferson, Iowa   carillon chiming every quarter hour. Carillon
         515-386-8544                 music played hourly. Elevator ride to glass   
         May-Oct, Wed 1-4, Sat 9-12; or by appt.   enclosed observation deck offers a spectacular            515-386-2155
         Indian artifacts, pioneer and railroad displays,   view of the surrounding countryside. Annual
         President Lincoln memoribilia, country   Bell Tower Festival held 2nd weekend in June.

         schoolhouse, log cabin, replicas of dry goods
         store, doctor’s office and barber shop and special
                                      MILWAUKEE RAILROAD DEPOT
                                      East Lincolnway / 515-386-2155
                                      Depot serves as the trailhead to the Raccoon
                                      River Valley Recreation Bike Trail. The depot
                                      houses tourist information and railroad
                                      memorabilia. Available for rent for private

                                      events.                         An attraction for all ages; historic prairie, farmers’ garden using plants and
                                                                      practices from Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello, unique floral and children’s
                                                                       gardens, playable musical instruments and more, located downtown.
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