Page 38 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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where to play                                                                                     LEGEND

                                                                                                                Charge admission
                                                                                                                 Able to handle group tours
                                                                                                               National Register Site
            marshalltown cont’d       MARSHALLTOWN                         mason city           MASON CITY MOTOR SPEEDWAY
                                      COMMUNITY THEATRE                                         North Iowa Fair Events Center
         GALLERY GARDEN               709 South Center St          CHARLES H. MACNIDER          3700 4th St SW
                                      641-752-4164 (box office)
                                                                   ART MUSEUM
         135 East Main St / 641-485-5362            
         Sunrise to Sunset            This outstanding community theater company   303 Second St SE   April-Sept, Sun 6-10:30
         The only project of its kind in Iowa, the   brings first-rate productions to the beautiful    641-421-3666 /   The Mason City Motor Speedway is a 1/3-mile
         garden’s inspired designs feature paintings,   Martha Ellen Tye Playhouse. Four contemporary   Tues-Thurs 9-8, Wed, Fri, & Sat 9-5  clay oval track, racing USRA Modifieds, USRA
         sculpture, thousands of plants, the soothing   theater productions plus a summer musical are   A north Iowa cultural treasure, the museum   Stock Cars, USRA B-Mods and USRA Hobby
         sound of a fountain and cutting-edge rain   presented annually. Call for complete schedule.    includes a permanent collection of American   Stocks plus USRA Tuners or Outlaw Mini-
         harvesting technologies. Visitors will enjoy a            art, the famous Bil Baird puppets, and an   Mods, located 5.1 miles east of I-35 at exit
                                                                   impressive range of ceramics.  An active center
         peaceful, reflective experience.                                                       194 on Hwy 122, at the North Iowa Events
                                      MARSHALLTOWN DOG PARK        for the arts, offering changing exhibits, films,   Center.

         GLICK-SOWER                  402 Woodland Street          studio classes, special events and museum
         HERITAGE HOMESTEAD           641-754-5715                 shop.                        KINNEY PIONEER MUSEUM
         201 E State St.              Dawn-Dusk. Dog parks are playgrounds for   CANNONBALL 457  Hwy 122W at entrance to
         641-752-6664 /   dogs. Owners bring their dogs to run & play       Mason City Municipal Airport
         By appt. Pre-Civil War home complete with   with other leash free dogs in a safe fenced in   East Park, E. State St   641-423-1258
         furnishings from mid to late 19th century.   area. $2.00 day passes available for visitors.  Outdoors     May-Sept, Tues-Sun 1-5 or by appt.
                                                          / May-Oct: Sat & Sun 1-5
                                                                                                Experience life on the Iowa frontier through
                                                                   Built in 1912, this former Minneapolis &
                                      MARSHALLTOWN SPEEDWAY                                     vintage exhibits and living history at the
         GRIMES FARM                  E Olive St & S 12th Ave      St. Louis Railway Steam Locomotive number   museum.  Visit a pioneer village with a
         CONSERVATION CENTER          641-752-9676                 457, the “Cannonball,” has been restored to   one-room schoolhouse, log cabin, old jail,
                                                                   reflect its appearance in the late 1920s.
         2359 233rd St                                        blacksmith shop and demonstrations on
                                                                                                weekends of pioneer crafts and trades.
         641-752-5490 /  Apr-Sept. Fri 6:30-10:30
         Hiking trails provide access to 160 acres of   This lighted track, located at the Marshall   HISTORIC PARK INN
         nature trails through forests, wetlands and   County Fairgrounds, is classified as Iowa’s   (FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT    LIME CREEK NATURE CENTER
         prairies. Other amenities include a 30’ observa-  fastest high-banked quarter-mile clay oval.   DESIGNED HOTEL/BANK)
         tion tower, interpretive center, outdoor Nature   Races are held every Friday evening.    3501 Lime Creek Rd, Hwy 65N
         Playscape, StoryWalk and an                               15 West State St             641-423-5309
                                                                   Mon-Fri 7:30-4; Sat 9-5; Sun 1-5. Winter
                                      MOWRY IRVINE MANSION         641-423-0689                 weekends close at 4; closed holidays.
         IOWA VETERANS HOME           503 West Main St             Public Tours: Wed, Thurs, Fri & Sun
         N 13th St & Summit           641-782-6664                 11:30 & 1:00; Sat 11:30      This environmental educational facility
                                                                   Built in 1910, the Historic Park Inn Hotel and
                                                                                                nestled atop limestone bluffs features
         641-752-1501 / / Mon-Fri 10 am-4 pm  City National Bank building is the last remaining   permanent and seasonal displays. Live and
         Daily 8-5                    The Mowry Irvine Mansion is a combination   hotel in the world designed by Frank Lloyd   static displays of birds, reptiles, mammals,
         Tour all aspects of this historic yet modern   historical home and museum featuring prom-  Wright. This classic example of Prairie School   fish and insects. Over nine miles of multi-use
         care facility. The beautifully landscaped   inent citizens and local artists.  It is also the   Architecture has been completely restored to its   trails, some handicapped accessible, through
         grounds include memorials to veterans. A   new home of the Historical Society of Marshall   original appearance. Explore the public places of
         Vietnam Memorial provides a tribute to these   County and research library.  the hotel on a guided tour. Visit the mezzanine   prairie, forest, and wetland habitat.

         veterans and their families.                              balcony overlooking the lobby and dining room,   MASON CITY COMMUNITY
         MARSHALL COUNTY COURTHOUSE   RIVERVIEW PARK & LINN CREEK   the Skylight Room with fully restored Billiards   THEATRE
                                                                   Room and Mercury stature designed by Richard

         1 E Main St                  GREENBELT PARKWAY            Bock.                        215 S Delaware / 641-424-6424
         641-754-6330 /   N 3rd Ave at Woodland St                  
                                                                                                4 theatre productions, plus summer musicals
         Mon-Fri 8-4:30               641-754-5715                 FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT           Call for performance information.
         Constructed in 1884-1886, the courthouse    Daily 6am-11:30pm  STOCKMAN HOUSE AND
         has retained its original exterior and has   With over 130 acres, Riverview Park offers   ARCHITECTURAL INTERPRETIVE   Quality live theater productions, excellent for

         undergone interior restoration. The Grand   playgrounds, picnicking, fishing, canoeing,   CENTER  evening entertainment.
         Courtroom is refurbished to its original state.   and camping facilities. The 8-mile trail winds   MASON CITY
         Tours can be arranged by calling in advance.   through Marshalltown  and is enjoyed by   530 First St NE   VETERANS MONUMENT
                                      bicyclists, walkers, and joggers.     641-423-1923
                                                                     Central Park, State St
         MARSHALL COUNTY              TAYLOR #4 COUNTRY SCHOOL     Public tours available.  Check website for tour   Outdoors
         FREEDOM ROCK                 60 N 2nd Ave                 dates and times.             Honoring over 3,000 veterans with
                                                                   Constructed in 1908, the restored Stockman
         1301 South 6th Street        641-752-6664                 House was the first and only Prairie School   Mason City connections, featuring
                                                                                                12 Black India granite stones, each
         641-753-6645 /    home designed in Iowa by Frank Lloyd Wright.   standing 8 ft. high and weighing
         Sunrise to Sunset            By appt.                     Located adjacent to the Rock Glen-Rock Crest
         The artist, Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II, is   This one-room school has been restored to its   National Historic District. Tours begin at the   4,000 pounds.
         painting a freedom rock in all 99 counties   original 1913 appearance, down to the exact   Interpretive Center, inspired by a Walter   MEREDITH WILLSON
         in the state of Iowa. Marshalltown is the   textbooks that were used in the 1913-14   Burley Griffin design, which offers architectural
         location of Marshall County’s Freedom Rock.   school year.     exhibits and gift shops.    BOYHOOD HOME
         The mural honors a Veteran from each war                                               314 S Pennsylvania Ave

         era.                                                                                   641-424-2852
                            did you know?                                                       Check website for tour dates and times.
                                                                                                Turn-of-the-century modified Queen Anne
                                                                                                house, birthplace and boyhood home of
              Gallery Garden in downtown Marshalltown features                                  songwriter and playwright of the “Music
              a living wall of plants and serves an environmental                               Man”, Meredith Willson.

                   purpose as a stormwater runoff project.
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