Page 36 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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where to play                                                                                     LEGEND

                                                                                                                Charge admission
                                                                                                                 Able to handle group tours
                                                                                                               National Register Site
                   kensett                      Klemme             MARYSVILLE COVERED BRIDGE        lake red rock area
                                                                   Marion County Park, Willetts Dr S
                                                                   All year - Outdoors
         211 Maple St. / 641-845-2388  112 South 2nd St.           The 1891 bridge features criss-crossed planks   AND MUSEUM
         As you go through on Highway 65, on    641-587-2390 or 641-587-2018  on the sides. In 1960, the bridge was divided   1034 Hwy S-71 / 641-828-2257
         the east side of the highway you will    Open by appt.    in half. The north 40 feet is in the Marion   Open daily. Sunday church services during
         find a roadside park. Just behind that    House built in 1878–the farm home on H.   County Park. The south 40 feet is in the Wilcox   summer months.
         is a little log cabin which is now a community   J. Klemme’s farm. In 1889 Mr. Klemme   Reclamation Area.     Founded in 1860, the church built “on the
         museum.                      platted out some of his farm and the town                 ridge” is the only structure which remains
                                      of Klemme was born. The home contains   NATIONAL SPRINT CAR HALL    from the town of Coalport which now lies
         KENSETT UNITED METHODIST     collectibles, antiques, and local, state and   OF FAME & MUSEUM  below Lake Red Rock. Coalport was the
         CHURCH MUSEUM                national history.                                         first town in Marion County where coal was
                                                                   One Sprint Capital Place     mined. The stately white church is located
         401 Second St / 641-845-2304                              800-874-4488 or 641-842-6176   near the entrance of the Whitebreast
         Mem Day-Labor Day, Sun 2-4 or by appt.   knoxville
         This church/museum, constructed in 1899,                  Mon-Fri 8-6; Sat 10-5 & Sun 12-5   Recreation area.
         features Gothic windows & pressed metal   BESSIE SPAUR    Visit the world’s only museum dedicated to   CORDOVA OBSERVATION TOWER
         covering the walls & ceiling in the nave. Origin   BUTTERFLY GARDEN  preserving the history of the sport of sprint
         of church goes back to language differences               car racing. Permanent and changing exhibits   1378 Hwy G-28, Otley
         between Scandinavian and English-speaking   1002 South Lincoln  feature restored “big cars” and sprint cars.   641-627-5935
         people of the area. Historical artifacts, pictures,   641-842-3410  The Hall of Fame honors the sport’s greatest
                                      Outdoors                                                  Year round
         records of the past are featured.
                                      This garden, at Knoxville Area Community   achievers.       For a bird’s eye view of the surrounding area,
                                      Hospital, is a memorial to Bessie Spaur, a                climb the 170 steps to the top of the park’s
                    joice             noted local gardener. The garden contains   lacona        106 foot observation tower.  It is the tallest
                                      all the components butterflies need for food,             observation tower in a public park in the
         CHAPEL HILL                  shelter, and breeding, while also providing a   WILLIS LOG CABIN  Midwest!

                                      beautiful display of floral color.
         1 mile west and 2 miles north                             Hwy S23 / 641-534-3710       GLADYS BLACK BALD EAGLE REFUGE
         of Fertile, off S-18         BIRTHPLACE OF THE IOWA FLAG  Exterior daily; tours by appt.
         641-797-2643 / Sun 1-5, June 1-Sept 1    Marion County Courthouse   Built in 1846 for personal use by William   Located below Red Rock Dam
         Nestled in a country cemetery, the small   214 E. Main    Willis, an expert cabin builder often hired   (south side), off Jewell Dr.
         chapel seats 4-6 people. Originally built in the   641-828-2231   along with his eight brothers by early settlers.   515-281-4815
         late 1920s by the Catholic Church in Manly,   The lawn of the Marion County Courthouse   Roman numerals mark each outside beam.   April – Nov., Outdoors, (Note: Refuge is closed
         the chapel was moved to its present site in   is the site of a memorial to Dixie Cornell   1-1/2 stories accommodated a family of four.   to all public access and use Dec. 1-March 31)
         1982.                        Gebhardt, creator of the Iowa flag. Visit inside   Superb craftsmanship throughout.     This 38-acre refuge is prime habitat for
                                      the courthouse to see a portrait of Ms. Gebhardt.         bald eagles, as well as neo-tropical
                                                                                                migrants and other wildlife.
         WORTH COUNTY                                                      lake mills           HORN’S FERRY BRIDGE
         4119 Evergreen Ave           KNOXVILLE RACEWAY                                         OBSERVATION AREA
         641-588-3800 /     1000 N Lincoln / Marion County Fairgrounds   1901 VICTORIAN HOUSE   Near Howell Station Recreation Area
         Visible 24 hours a day. Office open 9-4,   641-842-5431   MUSEUM & HISTORIC GARDEN     641-828-2213 or 641-828-7522
         Mon-Fri                     308 S Lincoln St             Outdoors - open year-round
         Generating energy from wind is a new   Weekly races held Apr-Oct.  641-592-5253 / / By Appt
         farming commodity in Worth County.  Eighty-  This fabulous 25,000 seat facility is the home   1901 Victorian Home has been totally   The 1881 bridge once served as Marion
         nine turbines towering 235 feet in the air   of the Knoxville Nationals. Known as the   refurbished. Historic garden established   County’s first crossing over the Des Moines
         extend over 5,900 acres of land.  At night, the   “Sprint Car Capital of the World,” the half-mile   around home. Can be reserved for private   River. In 1991, part of the bridge collapsed.
         towers appear as flickering red lights west   track sizzles with exciting winged sprint car
                                                                   parties as well as tours.     A portion of the bridge has been restored

         of I-35.                     action. Come feel the thunder!                            as an observation point and is a prime spot to
                                                                   LAKE MILLS VETERANS MONUMENT
                                      MARION COUNTY                                             view bald eagles.
                  kanawha             HISTORICAL VILLAGE           206 North Mill               RED ROCK VISITOR CENTER
                                                                   641-592-5253 /
                                      306 Willetts Drive           Outdoors in park
         LIBERTY SCHOOL MUSEUM        641-842-4895                 Includes names of over 1,000 living and   1105 N. Hwy. T-15
         West 7th St / 641-762-3632   Mem Day-Labor Day, Sat & Sun 1-5; or by   deceased veterans from Lake Mills area and   641-828-7522 or 641-628-8690
         Mem Day & Labor Day weekend, 11-3 and   appt. during the week or off season   all branches of the service.  Flags in honor   Open March to October and year-round by
         by appt.                         of veterans outline the park during special   appt. Located on Iowa’s Largest Lake, the center
         Furnished one-room country school complete   Historical artifacts in a village setting,   holidays and events.     features lake area history and the
         with desks. Dedicated as a tribute to the rural   including a 4,000-sq.-ft. museum (1969),   Corps of Engineers, and an observation deck
         school teachers of Iowa.     Stage Coach Inn (1850), log cabin (1835),   PROMISE OF AMERICA MONUMENT   with great views of the lake. Programs are
                                      Pleasant Ridge School (1874), Valley Chapel   North 3rd Ave E / 641-592-5253   offered in the center’s theater, and a life
                                      Church (1903), Bussey Wabash Train Depot / Outdoors
                   kellogg            (1912) and much more.        Bronze statue by Cliff Carlson depicts Norwegian   jacket loaner station is available to help you stay

                                                                                                safe while enjoying the lake!
         KELLOGG HISTORICAL SOCIETY    MARION COUNTY COURTHOUSE    family that immigrated to America, the promised
         MUSEUM COMPLEX               214 E Main / 641-828-2231
                                      Mon-Fri 8-4; guided tours by appt. only   WINNEBAGO COUNTY FREEDOM
         High St                          ROCK                              did you know? / 641-526-3430   This majestic Richardson Romanesque
         Mem Day-Labor Day, Mon-Fri 9-4,   style courthouse was constructed of Berea   206 North Mill St
         Sun 1:30-5, & by appt.       limestone in 1886 at a cost of $80,000 and   641-592-5253 /   An average of 30-35
         Seven museums in one. Full of area history. A   has since undergone a $3 million renovation   Year Round    cars are always on
         2-story brick building with each room of a    project to restore the building. The roof   The Winnebago County Freedom Rock sits
         house; a barn; a factory - bank museum; a   resembles the French Chateauesque style.   in the Lake Mills Veterans Park, surrounded    display at the National
         country school; blacksmith shop and open-                 by monuments, flag display & beautiful
                                                                   landscape. Stop in to pay respects to local   Sprint Car Museum.
         faced machine shed.
                                                                   military heroes in a beautiful setting.
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