Page 32 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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indianola cont’d        IOWA FALLS HISTORICAL SOCIETY
                                      DOW HOUSE
         SUMMERSET WINERY             519 Stevens
                                      641-648-4603 or 641-648-5549
         15101 Fairfax                Tour by appt. only
         515-961-3545 /   Turn-of-the-century house is furnished with
         Tues-Sun 10-5 with extended hours on   period displays and antiques. Pettipoint
         Sundays in the summer.       display, old-time classroom and beauty shop,
         Located just minutes south of Des Moines,   and large collection of Iowa Falls historical
         Iowa, Summerset Winery produces award   photos.
         winning Iowa wine from locally grown grapes.
         The tasting room is open Tuesday-Sunday   IOWA FALLS UNION DEPOT
         all year long and Mondays by appointment.   Rocksylvania & Depot St
         Summerset Winery offers wine tasting &   641-648-4603 | May-Oct by appt.
         tours daily, live music concerts every Sunday   Newly restored, the Iowa Falls Union Depot is
         throughout the summer, and hosts wine   a rare Iowa example of a depot that served two
         events all year long. Summerset Winery is the   railroads. Exhibits interpret the importance of
         ideal location to host weddings, receptions,   the railroad to Iowa in the early 1900s.
         corporate events, private parties, and more.

                                      Rocksylvania & Commercial St
         1400 West 2nd Ave (physical address)   641-648-4603
         701 West 2nd Ave (office)    May-Oct by appt.
         515-961-5861 (fair week)     Restored in 2003, the Mills Tower Historic District
         515-961-6887 (non fair week)   has the last known operated and surviving railroad         interlock switching tower in Iowa.  Guided tours
         Join us July 26-31, 2023 for Entertainment,   examine the different buildings adjacent to two
                                      active rail lines.
         Fun, Competition & Education!
         Hwy 92 West / 515-961-8085   1113 Union Street
         Thurs 9-4 & Sat 9-noon;      641-648-9517
         Year round weather permitting
         Step back in time! Tour a log cabin, church,   Boat club open year-round and book the
         schoolhouse, general store, post office and   Lodge and Riverboat for private events.
         museum including a research library with   June-Mid Oct Public Cruises, 2:00pm Sat &                      PHOTO BY
         extensive information about Warren County.                                                          PAUL HACKBARTH
         One of the features is a George Washington
         Carver exhibit.              SWINGING BRIDGE
                                      West end of Rocksylvania Ave. / 641-648-5549
                  iowa falls          Outdoors                             l  Canoe & Kayak the Iowa River
                                      This footbridge just north of the Washington
                                      Ave. bridge connects a bluff on the east side of   l  Scenic City Empress Riverboat Cruises
         CALKINS NATURE AREA          the Iowa River to Assembly Park. The bridge was
         18335 135th St / 641-648-9878   first built in 1897 and rebuilt to its original   l  International Art Collection
         Apr-Oct, Mon-Fri 8-4, Sat-Sun 1-4   design.
         Nov-Mar, Mon-Fri 8-4, Closed weekends                                   l  Historical Museums
         Nature Center/Natural History Museum with                                l  Recreational Trails
         Plains Indian exhibit. 76-acres of timber,
         including two miles of hiking trails, 6 acres of                        l  Beautiful City Parks
         prairie, wetland/ponds, and wildlife exhibits.
                                           did you know?
                                                                      l  Calkins Nature Area & Artifact Museum
         CARNEGIE ELLSWORTH BUILDING    It took 84 miles of thread              l  Meyer Aquatic Center
         520 Rocksylvania Ave             to make the Energizer
         641-648-5549 or 877-648-5549                                    l  Local Brewery and Coffee House             Bunny Hot Air Balloon.
         Former Iowa Falls Carnegie library restored                        l  Unique Shopping and Dining
         into a cultural center. Visitor Center has
         brochures and information about Iowa Falls
         attractions.  Pat Clark’s priceless art museum
         open to the public. Lower level has Iowa Falls
         and Bill Riley memorabilia.

                            did you know?

                 Bill (William) Riley, Sr. known as an American
               Entertainer, “Mr. State Fair” was born in Iowa Falls.

                                                                        520 Rocksylvania Ave., Iowa Falls
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