Page 39 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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mason city Cont’d       RANCHO DELUXE                      melcher-dallas                  moingona
                                      500 2nd St NE
         MEREDITH WILLSON/            Year-Round; dawn to dusk     MELCHER-DALLAS COAL MINING    KATE SHELLEY
         MUSIC MAN FOOTBRIDGE         Recycled, repurposed and rogue, this garden of   & HERITAGE MUSEUM  RAILROAD MUSEUM & PARK
                                      art is a constant work in progress. Elements from
         Close to MacNider Museum     throughout the community’s history including   101 NE Center St, PO Box 412   May-Oct, daily 1-5
         on 2nd St SE                 bicycle racks, school gates, signs and much more   641-947-5651 /   515-432-1907
         800-423-5724                 – ever-changing hub for outdoor art.     By appt.         A Rock Island passenger car is used as a theater
         Outdoors                                                  Coal mining once played a pivotal role   where visitors can learn about Kate Shelley’s
         Named in honor of Meredith Willson, Mason   RIVER CITY ESCAPE  in Melcher-Dallas. Former Miners’ Union   heroic journey to warn a passenger train of
         City native and internationally-   339 S Delaware Ave     Hall houses this museum which features   upcoming danger on the tracks. The restored
         renowned composer of “The Music Man,” this   641-357-9528  a reconstructed coal mine, mining tools,   passenger station represents Iowa’s long rail-
         bridge spans Willow Creek and is featured on              blacksmith shop, and local memorabilia.
                             / Check web for hours                      road history.
                                      A live entertainment experience in which a
         the historical walking tour.                              Unique items sold at the museum. 24-hour
         THE MUSIC MAN SQUARE/        small group of people (4-6) are “locked” in   notice for groups.     montezuma
                                      a themed room and must find clues, solve
         MEREDITH WILLSON MUSEUM      puzzles, and crack codes to escape in the time   melrose
         308 S Pennsylvania Ave       allotted.                                                 POWESHIEK COUNTY
         641-424-2852                                              IOWA’S LITTLE IRELAND        COURTHOUSE        RIVER CITY MINI GOLF                                      302 E Main | 641-623-5443
         Check website for tour dates and times.  100 S Federal St, Ste 312  641-932-5108 or 641-792-3202   Mon-Fri 8-4
         Featuring a 1912 streetscape with ice cream   641-583-5673 /  Founded in 1855, Melrose was incorporated   One of the oldest county courthouses in
         parlor/soda fountain, gift shop and barbershop,   Thurs-Fri 10-8; Sat 12-8; Sun 12-5  in 1882 by Irish immigrants. See Leprechaun   Iowa, the courthouse was built in 1856
         all set designs from the Warner Brothers   Family friendly fun!  Enjoy 18 holes of indoor   statues and Melrose’s own Blarney Stone.   and restored to the original plans with the
         motion picture “The Music Man.” Also features   mini-golf, themed from trucks to farms.       exception of the addition of an elevator. It has
         a museum highlighting unique Meredith                                                  remained in continuous use since opening.

         Willson memorabilia, music-related exhibits                           milo

         and exploratorium.           RIVER CITY SCULPTURES
                                      9 N Federal Ave.                                          AND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY
         3700 4th St SW                                            Hwy S23, one mile south of town
         641-423-3811                 641-423-5724                 641-942-7786                 200 S. 3rd St. / P.O. Box 280
                                      Sculpture Walk is available year-round 24/7
                                                                                                641-623-3322    River City Sculptures on Parade is an exciting   Exterior can be viewed anytime; tours by   Mon and Thurs 9-4 or Sat 9-2 or by appt.
         Year-round indoor and outdoor events   exhibit of outdoor sculptures displayed year-  appt. The Merrell Century Farm includes   Complex contains 1918 Carnegie library
         include North Iowa Fair; horse & dog shows;               a round barn constructed in the early   (former), original 1915 Poweshiek County
         tradeshows; auctions; flea markets; auto races;   round in downtown Mason City, Iowa. Artists   1900s. Many visitors make a quick stop to   jail used as a museum and a Scott Township
                                      place their sculptures in the program for one
         syrup racing; motocross; and more. Call for               photograph this barn.
                                      year, and all sculptures are available for sale or        country schoolhouse, completely intact. The
         event and admission fee information.                                                   Carnegie library houses genealogy research
                                      lease.                       MILO BANDSTAND
         NORTH IOWA                   STEBENS CHILDREN’S THEATER   PO Box 74                    information, including county birth, death
                                                                                                and marriage records, newspapers and
         PERFORMING ART SERIES                                     641-942-6421 or 641-942-7198
                                      616 N Delaware Ave                                        cemetery records as well as donated family
         North Iowa Area Community College   641-424-9802          A small-town version of yesteryear. Visit this   history data. Museum holds artifacts from
         Auditorium                   Sept-June                    unique bandstand with its lower level pump   pioneer days, civil war and more recent
         500 College Drive; Hwy 122E   Call for performance information.   and benches where many old tales were   history, including clothing and military gear.
         888-466-4222, ext 4188       Children’s theater with plays performed by   spun. The upper level was home to orchestras,
         Mason City is fortunate to be the host                    musical events, plays, and speakers.
                                      children for all to enjoy!
         community for some of the greatest
         performances at the NIACC auditorium, with                PRAIRIE VIEW PRESERVE AND              moravia
         seating capacity for 1,000 guests. National   maxwell     BUTTERFLY GARDEN
         touring productions, motivational speakers                South side of town on Hwy S23       (ALSO SEE RATHBUN LAKE)
         and holiday events for the entire family.    MUSEUM IN MAXWELL  641-942-6247 / Daily
                                                                                                WABASH DEPOT MUSEUM
                                      Main Street / 641-385-2376   Preserve has a rocked path leading to a rose   COMPLEX
         PRAIRIE SCHOOL               Mem Day-Sept, Sun 1-4 and by appt.   arbor. Browse through the butterfly gardens,   800 W North St / 641-856-7015
                                                                   prairie grass, hosta garden, daylily garden,
                                      Three-building complex features displays
         ARCHITECTURAL/HISTORICAL     depicting a general store, church, school,   and memorial tree grove - all labeled for
         WALKING TOUR                 1880s house, jail, post office, and dentist’s   educational purposes. Shelter and barbeque   First weekend in June, July, Aug & Sept or
         17 S Federal                 office. Enjoy farm machinery, Civil War   pit.            by appt
         641-423-0689                 displays, and many interesting natural history            The Wabash Combination Depot was built on
         Self-guided tour of the largest grouping of   collections.          minburn            the north side of West North Street in 1903.
         Prairie School designed homes on a unified                                             When in use, it served the Wabash Railroad.
         site ending at a home designed by Frank                                                The Queen Anne style building is a example
                                                                   VOAS NATURE AREA AND MUSEUM
                                                                   19286 Lexington Rd.
         Lloyd Wright.                                                                          of the rural combination and one of only two
                                                                   515-465-3577                 such buildings remaining in Iowa.
                                                                   Restored wetland-prairie-woodland area. Ideal   morrison
                            did you know?                          environment for nature walks, birding, and   BLACK HAWK CREEK
                                                                   photography. Noted for its diverse migrating
                                                                   and endemic wildlife. Also includes a rock
                                                                   museum. Museum has limited weekend   WILDLIFE AREA
                   Mason City is home to the Historic Park Inn,    hours, please call for appt.     1/4 mile north of Morrison / 319-345-2688
                the last remaining hotel in the world designed by                               Sunrise to sunset year-round
                                                                                                Environmental education field area features
                             Frank Lloyd Wright.                                                self-guided interpretive trails, suspension
                                                                                                bridge, and hiking trails.
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