Page 9 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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albia (CONT’D)        HIGHWAY 3 RACEWAY            ART ON CAMPUS                CHRISTIAN PETERSEN
                                      108 North Main               290 Scheman - University Museums   ART MUSEUM
         FIRST IOWA STATE BANK        Butler County Fairgrounds    515-294-3342 / Hours vary    Morrill Hall, Iowa State University
                                      319-267-2858                 Self-guided beautiful walking tours of art   515-294-3342 /
         23 Benton Ave. E             1/2 mile semi-banked dirt track. Hosts events   on Iowa State University campus. Includes   Mon-Fri 11-4, except for University holidays
         Downtown Square              such as Stock Car, Figure 8 and other motor   sculptures by artist-in-residence (1934 to   & breaks.
         641-932-2144 or 641-932-5108   sport races throughout the summer. The   1955) Christian Petersen. Many items available   The museum was named for the nation’s first
         Mon-Fri 9-3, Sat 9-12        grandstand has a seating capacity of nearly   for viewing 24 hours a day. Call for brochure,   permanent artist-in-residence, who sculpted
         A beautifully restored building    3,500 spectators.                                   at Iowa State from 1934-1955. Includes two
         featuring original teller cage, outdoor terrace,          including map.               galleries showcasing work by Petersen and
         antiques, paintings, and other artwork.   LITTLE YELLOW SCHOOLHOUSE  BRUNNIER ART MUSEUM  other contemporary artists. Special guest

         Visitors welcome.
                                      428 6th St - Courthouse Square   290 Scheman Bldg - ISU   exhibits featured throughout the year.
         HISTORIC TOWN SQUARE         319-267-2858 /   515-294-3342 / Tues-Fri 11-4, Sat-Sun 1-4    FARM HOUSE MUSEUM
                                      By appt. & for special events   A nationally accredited decorative and fine arts
         Downtown, outdoors           Built in 1888 and completely restored to its   museum, supplementing major collections   Knoll Rd ISU Campus
         641-932-5108                 original condition and furnished like it was   with traveling exhibits and educational events.   515-294-3342 / By appt.
         Albia’s 92-building business district, three-  when it was used as a country school until   One of the largest glass collections, tracing   Nestled among the modern buildings and
         story stone courthouse, and historic homes   1957. Retired teachers from the area educate   history of glass from antiquity to present. Gift   classrooms of ISU’s central campus, this
         represent a living architectural museum.   visitors and children on the experience of   shop features glass, jewelry and unique items.   National Historic Landmark is a fully restored
         Merchants and home builders in the late   getting your education in a country school.   home reflecting the period between 1860 and
         1800s and early 1900s selected Victorian,                                              1920. The first building built on ISU campus.
         Italianate, Gothic, Tudor, and other distinctive          CARRIE CHAPMAN CATT CENTER   Special holiday decorations and activities.

         building styles.                                          FOR WOMEN AND POLITICS
         THE ROBERT T. BATES APARTMENT                             ISU Campus
         1 1/2 Benton Ave. W               ALSO SEE DES MOINES     Building open 8-5 Mon-Fri,
         641-932-5108                                              Plaza of Heroines is outside      did you know?
         Anytime by appt.             ALTOONA HISTORICAL SOCIETY   and accessible all hours
         Robert Bates was an interior designer, member   MUSEUM    A tribute to Carrie Chapman Catt, an ISU
         of the Terrace Hill Commission, and chairman   104 2nd St. SE / 515-967-4815  graduate who led the women’s suffrage   The Christina Reiman
         of the First Iowa State Bank. Upon his death   2nd & 4th Sunday of each month    movement to passage of the 19th   Butterfly Wing is built in
         in 1995, he left his beautifully decorated   2:00-4:00 pm  amendment. Exhibits related to suffrage
         apartment and outstanding collection of   The building itself housed the original Post   movement, along with some of Catt’s   the shape of a butterfly.
         Victorian antiques and artwork to a foundation.   Office for the area & currently showcases   personal belongings. “Plaza of Heroines”
                                      photos and mementos from local history   features nearly 3,000 bricks honoring

                                      dating as far back as 1868.     women.
                                      VETERAN’S MEMORIAL GARDEN
         GRACE O. DOANE ALDEN         1st Ave. S.
         PUBLIC LIBRARY               515-967-5136 or 515-967-3366
                                      Open at all times
         1012 Water St.               A war memorial built entirely by local
         515-859-3820                 volunteers paying homage to those who have       served. Including Korean & Vietnam conflicts
         Mon 1:30-6:30; Tues-Fri 1:30-5:30; Tues & Fri   Bronze statues of Army, Marines & Navy
         9-11:30; Sat 11-5:30         divisions of military service. Granite plaques     listing names of all Iowans killed in the line
         Smallest town in the U.S. to have a Carnegie   of duty in the Iraq/Afghan war.

                                      AMES MAIN STREET
         FOR RURAL CULTURE & ART      304 Main St.
         1 mile east of town          515-233-3472 /
         641-872-1536 or 641-873-4259   More than 50 locally owned, specialty retail
         June-Aug, Thurs-Sun 1-4      shops and restaurants. Events include Farmers’
         Groups all year by appt.     Market, ArtWalk, Firefly Country Nights, 4th of
         The 93-acre site is home to a fully restored   July Parade and Festival, MusicWalk, Oktoberfest
         1912 round barn, 1887 country church,   and Snow Magic.
         and 1868 country school. A 6-acre prairie is
         nearby. Events during the year include art,   AMES/ISU ICE ARENA
         craft, and quilt shows, and old-fashioned sing-
                                      1507 Gateway Hills Park Dr
                                      515-292-6835 /
                                      A facility operated jointly by both the City of
                   allison            Ames and Iowa State University, the ice arena
                                      hosts public skating, skating lessons, hockey
         BUTLER COUNTY BARN QUILTS    games and special events.
                                      The facility is  located south of the ISU
         319-267-2858 /
                                      Towers on Mortensen Road.
         See over 50 traditional quilt patterns painted
         on barns and farm buildings throughout
         the county.  Enjoy a self-guided driving
         tour on hard surface roads with a free map
         available on the web, or call Butler County
         Development Corp. to receive a map by mail.                                                |  9

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