Page 8 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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where to play                                                                                     LEGEND

                                                                                                                Charge admission

                                                                                                                 Able to handle group tours
                                                                                                               National Register Site
                  all iowa                      ackley                      ackworth            DALLAS COUNTY FAIR
                                                                                                28057 Fairgrounds Rd.
         1605 N. Ankeny Blvd, Ste 210  737 Main St. - Upper level    WETLAND          
         Ankeny, IA 50023             of Municipal Bldg            12565 168th Ave / 515-961-6169   July 12-16, 2023
         888-388-4442 /  641-847-2201        / Daily 6 am-10 pm  Features carnival; rodeo & bull riding; car
         The Iowa Golf Association is the governing   Open afternoons or by appt.  This wetland attracts wildlife and migrating   racing; truck/tractor and kids’ garden and
         body for golf in the state of Iowa and exists as   Displays and large collection of photographs,   waterfowl.  There’s also an eagle’s next and   pedal pulls; mutton busting; bag toss, and
         a nonprofit organization to preserve, protect,   featuring local history and people. East Friesian   colony of bank swallows on this 543-acre   cribbage tournaments; R/C car races; talent
         and promote the best interests and spirit   displays and information for genealogists.   habitat.  Bank Swallow Bend is a great place   show; livestock shows; static exhibit viewing;
         of the game. See website for directory of                                              free parking; and most entertainment free.
                                                                   to hike!
         member golf courses and links to these.
                                      CORNER SODA FOUNTAIN         WOODLANDS MOUNDS PRESERVE
         LINCOLN HIGHWAY HERITAGE     Corner of Main & Mitchell St.   19587 Kirkwood St.        GLISSMAN CONSERVATION AREA
         BYWAY                        641-847-2201 / May-Sept, 2-5 daily   515-961-6169 /  32185 Panther Creek Rd
         c/o Prairie Rivers of Iowa   Restored former Roth Drug & Soda Fountain.   Daily 6 am-10 pm  515-465-3577
         515-232-0048                 1940s & ’50s malts, phosphates, sodas, and   Native Americans lived along the South River   Conservation area boasts a 7.5 acre pond               sundaes. Exhibits of early businesses and   in Warren County for thousands of years. The   on 60 acres to hike, fish, bird watch, picnic
         Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the   municipal history.     Woodland People constructed these conical   or mushroom hunt. Lodge with sleeping for
         first coast-to-coast improved highway by                  mounds as part of their culture, and as sacred   eight, full kitchen and two bathrooms.
         experiencing all it has to offer in Iowa today.   NATIONAL CONGRESS OF OLD   places.
         Dining, shopping, picturesque downtowns,   WEST SHOOTIST STYLE                         HISTORIC TOWN SQUARE
         history and more in over 40 communities                              adel
         across 13 counties.          2 1/2 miles East of Ackley                                Downtown, outdoors
                                      on Hwy 57 / 641-847-3601
                                      Mar-Nov, 2nd Sat of each month from    ADEL HISTORICAL MUSUEM  515-993-5472
         IOWA’S COUNTY CONSERVATION   9-4 Camp/meeting site for National Congress               Adel’s downtown business district surrounds
         SYSTEM/MYCOUNTYPARKS.COM     of Old West Shootists,       1129 Main St                 the 4-story stone courthouse and features
                                                                                                unique building styles. The Square is home
                                      complete with early prairie town and target
         PO Box 400                   areas. Established to promote family-oriented   May-Sept 12-4 or by appt by calling  to Adel’s annual sweet corn festival in August.
         Hiawatha, IA  52233          activities and knowledge of 1865-1899   Features information on 1938 Heisman
         515-963-9582                 heritage. Authenticity in weapons, clothing   Trophy winner Nile Kinnick, Jr., a uniform                                         room attributed to Adel’s sons who served in   agency
                                      and accouterments.
         All 99 counties in Iowa!  2,034 parks, natural            the military, information on the Orton Family
         areas and historic sites!  Over 215,000   PRAIRIE BRIDGES PARK  Circus, and much more.
         acres with 11,100+ campsites, 75 nature                   DALLAS COUNTY COURTHOUSE     CHIEF WAPELLO’S
         centers, over 250 cabins, 1,900+ miles of   1/2 mile N of Hwy. 57 on S-56              MEMORIAL PARK
         trails, public hunting and more!  County   641-847-3332 / Open April-October   801 Court St. / 515-993-5472  Downtown, outdoors
                                      All ages and abilities find outdoor enjoyment
         conservation – Iowa’s outdoor education   at this 70-acre multi-use recreation area. 2.5   Mon-Fri 8-4:30, closed major holidays  6899 Chief Wapello Rd.
         leader!                                                   Built in 1902, the courthouse is considered
                                      miles of handicapped accessible short looped   by architectural historians to be one of the   This park marks the site of the first Indian
         SILOS & SMOKESTACKS NATIONAL   trails through lush prairie, scenic ponds, and   finest examples of civic architecture in Iowa.   Agency in Iowa, Chief Wapello and General
                                      a small river. Interpretive signage throughout.
                                                                                                Street’s gravesites, the first Christian service
         HERITAGE AREA                Shower/restroom facility and bike trail.     The French Chateau modeled courthouse   in the interior of Iowa, and the signing of the
                                                                   was renovated in 2007 and is surrounded
         305 West Park Ave                                         by brick streets and a historically significant   treaty for the purchase of Iowa.
         Waterloo, IA  50701          SETTLEMENT OF THE PRAIRIE    downtown.
         319-234-4567                 North Butler St.                                                     albia      641-847-2201 / By appt.
         The story of American agriculture comes to   Small park depicting a glimpse of early prairie
         life at more than 100 sites and   life. Features 1870 restored Limberg House,          ALBIA CHAMBER CITIZENS HALL
         attractions within this 37-county region of   Clutterville Country School, prairie plantings,   & DOME
         Northeast Iowa. A National Park.  native Iowa trees & shrubs, and exhibit of early     18 S. Main St.
                                      cash crops.
                                                                                                Jan-Dec, Mon-Fri 10-3
                                                                                                The newly remodeled Chamber of Commerce
                                                                                                houses the beautifully renovated Citizens Hall
                                                                                                with its exquisite 12’ stained glass dome. This

                                                                                                dome was built in the early 1900s.
                                                                                                MONROE COUNTY
                                                                                                HISTORICAL MUSEUM
                                                                                                114 A Ave. East
                                                                                                641-932-3238 or 641-932-5108
                                                                                                May-Oct, Sat & Sun 1-4 and by appt.
                                                                                                Broad spectrum of early Iowa - from slippers
                                                                                                that danced on the Ziegfeld Follies stage to
                                                                                                reconstructed coal mine shaft with authentic
                                                                                                equipment and real coal. A spacious museum
                                                                                                with numerous authentic historical items
                                                                                                and reconstructed setting of stores, homes,
                                                                                                etc. Adjacent to the museum is the newly
                             reiman gardens winterscape - ames                                  constructed replica of a Monroe County
                                                                                                country school, and a refurbished 1930s
                                                                                                Burlington caboose and 1938 Relco diesel
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