Page 48 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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where to play LEGEND
Charge admission
Able to handle group tours
National Register Site
East 5th St, just off Hwy 30 1465 L. Ave. 20610 Wheat Ave 515-832-9193 / May-Mid November
Sun, Wed, Fri 1-5, Sat 10-3
Outdoors 319-478-8080 641-664-1929 By appt. Located on a 9-acre area, the park/museums
Roadside park includes historical marker with Completed in 1854, this wood sided building
bronze plaque commemorating the Lincoln Call or check website for hours. has been restored to its original schoolroom complex recreates the history of Hamilton
Highway Bridge built in 1915, modeled after Our winery is located in the rolling hills style. County. The complex houses two pioneer
cabins, restored Harmony School, Burial
pillars which served as gateway to Tama in off Ridge Road in Northern Tama County. Mound, original Hamilton County courthouse,
early days of Lincoln Highway. Pays tribute Come visit the tasting room & gift shop. Our urbandale
to bridge and nation’s first transcontinental banquet room is available for parties and and restored Illinois Central Depot plus visitor
weddings! Enjoy some Fox Ridge wine on the info center.
deck overlooking the vineyard in the tranquil (SEE DES MOINES) BRIGGS WOODS GOLF COURSE
MESKWAKI setting of the beautiful countryside.
BINGO • CASINO • HOTEL TAYLOR PARK 2501 Briggs Woods Trail
515-832-9572 /
1504 305th St 400 block of Main St waukee One of Iowa’s most challenging golf courses.
4 miles west of Tama-on Hwy 30 Smooth greens, tree-lined fairways, water and
800-728-4263 / 319-478-8760 (SEE DES MOINES) beautiful natural scenery make this 18-hole
Featuring Las Vegas-style gaming, with over Dawn to dusk daily course not only challenging to play but fun
1,400 slot machines, Keno, Racebook, Poker, Majestic trees make Taylor Park a relaxing as well. Full service clubhouse available for
Craps, Roulette and a Bingo Hall for the total haven for travelers. Features include picnic webster city meetings and get-togethers.
sites, beautiful 1900s gazebo, swimming
gaming experience.
pool, shelter house, and a new playground.
During winter, the park is filled with BRIGGS WOODS CONFERENCE GORDONS’ MARSH YOUNG
toledo Christmas displays and is featured on a CENTER HUNTER EDUCATION AREA
driving tour. 2501 Briggs Woods Trail 1476 270th St
BUTTER COW AND TRAER HISTORICAL MUSEUM 515-832-9572 515-832-9570 /
CALF SCULPTURE Sunrise to sunset during regular game
514 2nd St Briggs Woods Conference Center is a premier hunting seasons
NW of junction of Hwys 63 & 30 319-478-2346 full-service conference center located in Gordons’ Marsh is 283.5 acres that consist
Outdoors Call for hours or open by appointment Hamilton County. Enjoy a beautiful and relax- primarily of 100 acres of wetlands surrounded
Bronze sculpture of butter cow & calf created Large display of memorabilia, including ing setting for your special event. Our Grand by 183.5 acres of upland nesting cover. The
in honor of Norma “Duffy” Lyon of rural items in a newly renovated James “Tama Jim” Ball Room can accommodate up to 350 guests young hunter education area fosters memories
Toledo. Lyon sculpted butter cows, people Wilson exhibit. “Tama Jim” was the longest or it can be minimized with our state-of-the-art of a parent and child sharing their first hunt
& objects at the Iowa State Fair for 46 years. collapsible walls to provide a more intimate
serving U.S. cabinet member in history, together. No charge, reservations required.
serving as the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture for setting. Let our event coordinator help you
TAMA COUNTY COURTHOUSE 16 years under 3 presidents. Also a unique plan all the details, giving you a stress-free day HAMILTON COUNTY SPEEDWAY
to enjoy your event.
woodcarving exhibit, Opera House exhibit, &
100 W High St Dinsdale, Geneseo and Buckingham displays. Hamilton County Fairgrounds
515-832-1443 /
641-484-2740 Exhibits honoring veterans various wars BARN QUILTS & TOURS OF March-Sept
Mon-Fri 8-4:30 including a Civil War exhibit with Civil War HAMILTON COUNTY This well known 1/2-mile dirt racetrack in central
Built in 1866, this stately building was Artillery Rifle Cannon. 500 Fairmeadow Dr Iowa features six classes of races every Saturday
recently renovated and features a clock tower. 515-832-9550 night and racing special events throughout the
Nearly 95% of the clock is original and has TRAER PUBLIC LIBRARY year. Great family entertainment for over 100
been completely restored. Inner workings 531 2nd St Self-guided driving tours combine art & agri-
of clock are on display on the second floor. 319-478-2180 / Mon-Sat 11-5 culture, plus other historical & quirky tours. years.
Located across from Traer’s famous winding Information brochures available on website.
TAMA COUNTY stairs, the distinctive architecture of this 1916 CLOTHING EXHIBIT
building makes it a “must see” feature in
downtown Traer. 515-297-0846 |
200 N Broadway St 4th Sat of the month 10 to 3 or by appt
641-484-6767 TRAER SALT AND PEPPER Visit the historic 1873 home of Kendall and
Tues-Sat 1-4:30, closed major holidays SHAKER GALLERY Jane Young. Hear their amazing stories and the
Housed in former county jail, exhibits feature 411 2nd Street legacy they left. Vintage garments and furniture
early pioneer life, the Lincoln Highway, and 319-231-7654 / displayed on the second floor.
Native American artifacts. Restored log cabin. March 1-Nov 30 open Tues-Sat 1-5;
New addition holds large collection of gene- Dec 1-Feb 28 call for appt. / Closed major
alogical records and an extensive microfilm holidays.
collection, including Iowa Census and ships’
A community-owned attraction, which opened
in 2011, see a truly unique collection of
passenger lists.
WIETING THEATER shakers, with over 16,000 pairs to display.
The largest shaker collection in the Midwest
101 S Church St – from silly shakers to works of art, we have
641-484-4440 / By appt. them all! Iowa Great Places designation.
Originally built by Mrs. Philip Wieting in
1912 and given to the people of Toledo.
Movies are shown on weekends and facility is WINDING STAIRS
staffed by volunteers. Downtown Traer
This National Register of Historic Places
landmark was erected in 1894 for public
access to the local newspaper office. Traer’s
town slogan of “Wind up in Traer” and the
annual Winding Stairs Festival are based on salt and pepper shaker gallery - traer
48 | 2023 central iowa travel guide this unique landmark.
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