Page 46 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
P. 46
where to play LEGEND
Charge admission
Able to handle group tours
National Register Site
HANGING ROCK 1227 215th St. “COME, COME YE SAINTS” 402 East Elm
641-756-3490 / MORMON TRAIL SITE 641-622-3005
Raccoon River, southwest edge of Redfield Park open daily, sunrise to sunset.
515-465-3577 Visitors Center open Mem Day-Labor Day 1-4 2 miles west of Seymour on J46, Wed & Thurs 9-3 & by appt daily & weekends in Sept, Oct. & May then 2 miles south on 210th Located in an historic former church. The
Year-round, daylight hours. Visitors can easily find 350-million year old 641-872-1536 Society maintains Keokuk County artifacts,
Noted for its unique geologic formation, fossils from the Devonian Period, and the Outdoors – guide services available for such as photographs, quilts, books, maps,
Hanging Rock offers excellent fishing, fossils you find are older than the dinosaurs. groups by reservation antiques, & militaria. Also, genealogy research
hiking and canoeing opportunities in a scenic All the fossils that can be found are marine On April 15, 1846, William Clayton penned library, including cemetery records and
environment. invertebrates (animals without a backbone). the words to “Come, Come Ye Saints” at Locust obituaries.
Scenic trails take visitors through native Creek Camp #2. The “hymn that went around
GRAND ARMY OF THE prairie, to historic beehive kilns, and across the the world” became the anthem of the Mormon LEWIS MEMORIAL FOUNTAIN
REPUBLIC BUILDING Winnebago River. Museum quality exhibits in exodus. Interpretive panels on site. Courthouse Courtyard
1213 Thomas St the visitor center interpret the unique features shell rock 641-622-2928 / Spring-Fall
515-465-3577 of the park. The recently restored fountain was dedicated in September 1940 and is one
June-Aug, Sat & Sun 1-5 or by appt. russell SHELL ROCK of only five fountains of its kind in the United
The 1880s Grand Army of the Republic HISTORICAL MUSEUM States. The three-pooled fountain features a
Building is one of the last “country” posts RUSSELL HISTORICAL SOCIETY 127 East Adair St 43-minute cycle of unique light and water
of that organization left in the nation. 319-885-6687 displays.
The downstairs area is open and features 106 S Prairie St May-Oct, Sat 10-2 & by appt.
a rotating display of local artifacts. 641-535-6028 Visitors to this 1920s Craftsman-style house STONE HOUSE
The upstairs has been made into a post
Mon-Fri 1-7 can view a large display of memorabilia 320 N Shuffleton
meeting room. from Shell Rock’s history. A railroad room
Constructed in 2002-2003, museum show- 641-622-2928 / By appt.
cases items of historical significance, a wide & schoolrooms are part of the permanent Built from 1855-1863, the stone used
rock falls variety of books, and a computer resource exhibits, with rotating exhibits throughout was hauled overland from the Burlington
center with Internet access. the year. quarry and features 18-inch-thick walls and
is the oldest house in Sigourney. The two-
WILKINSON PIONEER PARK story house features period furnishing and
County Rd B-20 scranton sigourney household goods.
641-423-5309 / Outdoors
Beautiful park along the Shellrock River features SCRANTON WATER TOWER KEOKUK COUNTY COURTHOUSE
a covered bridge, pioneer cabin, 712-652-3888 / Outdoors 101 S. Main St.
and a rare remnant of native prairie. A great It is the oldest water tower still in service 641-622-2320 / Mon-Fri 8-4:30
place to have a picnic or start a canoe trip. in Iowa and is tied for the 9th oldest still The historic building’s cornerstone was laid
in service in the United States. This 1897 in 1909 and features murals painted in 1912
rockford all-steel elevated water tank landmark has a by C.E. Rang of Chicago, paintings of Lydia
Huntley Sigourney and Chief Keokuk by
capacity of 48,000 gallons and stands 148
Charles Gray, and a display of Indian artifacts.
feet high.
102 W Main Ave
One of the Freedom Rocks throughout the
state painted by Ray “Bubba” Sorensen in
recognition of military veterans.
mural - story city
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