Page 24 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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where to play                                                                                     LEGEND

                                                                                                                Charge admission
                                                                                                                 Able to handle group tours
                                                                                                               National Register Site
                dysart cont’d                 eagle grove                   eddyville           DES MOINES RIVER WATER TRAIL

         Main Street                  101 N Cadwell                705 Main Street / 641-969-4208   Paddle 44 miles down the lower Des Moines          515-293-1427 / Sat 1-3 or by appt.   March-Nov Wed 1-5 and Sat 9-12 or by apt   River from Eldon to Farmington.  Collection of railroad artifacts and Eagle   This small, quaint historical museum is   See nine sites on the National Register
         Outdoors                     Grove history, including a memorial to   located in the heart of friendly downtown   of Historic Places.
         Self-guided tour of public art.  The Great Dysart   Governor Robert Blue. This former Carnegie   Eddyville. We are a small but growing
         Gorge is a 250’ anamorphic illusion painted on   library is significant because of its Beaux-Arts   museum that gladly welcomes visitors to   MCHAFFEY OPERA HOUSE
         Main Street.  A Reflective    architecture.               explore our ever-changing displays that   414 Elm St / 641-652-3158
         Cylinder Koi Pond Illusion is in the City Park.           depict history for future generations.     Mon-Sat 8-12 or by appt.
         Bike over the optical illusion on the C.R.oberts   earlham                             Built in 1891 with brick from the local
         Trail. A Quilt Block Trail is also a self-guided          EDDYVILLE RACEWAY            brickyard, the opera house was once on
         tour.                                                     3260 Merino Ave              the New York Circuit. Vaudeville acts,
                                      WALL LAKE TOWNSHIP SCHOOL    641-969-5596 /  Shakespearean plays, local talent shows and
         HOSPITALITY AND TOURS TEAM   Fairgrounds, 901 SE 1st St.   Race season weekends late April-mid Oct   political speeches made use of the popular
         319-476-7345 or 319-476-2573   515-448-3351 or 515-448-4821 / By appt.   1/8 mile dragstrip on 60 plus acres of land.     auditorium.
         Hospitality and tours offered by the H.A.T.   A 1900s one-room schoolhouse. Furnishings   ROCK ISLAND DEPOT
         Team, of Dysart’s unique and progressive   include desks, maps, and books.   eldon
         businesses, the Heritage Arboretum, beautiful                                          405 KD Ave N / 641-777-6656
         gardens, the Quilt Block Trail and the Dysart   KUEHN CONSERVATION AREA                May-Aug, Sat 1-4 or by appt.
         Historical Center complex. Tours must be   32828 Houston Trail / 515-465-3577   AMERICAN GOTHIC HOUSE CENTER
         scheduled in advance, no charge. Groups  300 American Gothic St   From the early 1870s, the Depot served
         of all sizes welcome. Sponsored by the   Year-round, daylight hours                    travelers and the U.S. Postal Service. In 1980
         Dysart Development Corporation. Like us on   Noted for its scenic beauty, the Kuehn   641-652-3352 /   the rails fell silent.  In 2001, it was sold to
                                                                   Open Wed-Sat 10-4 & Sun 1-4

         Facebook!                    Conservation Area is a favorite location for   Closed Mon & Tues and major holidays  retired railroad employees. Now restored,
         WOLF CREEK PLAYERS           cross-country skiing, fishing, camping and   See the house made famous by Iowan Grant   many railroad artifacts are on display and
                                                                   Wood! Adjacent visitor’s center provides services

                                                                                                tours are encouraged.
         COMMUNITY THEATER                                         for the site, including an exhibit gallery and
         PO Box 21 /                            gift shop. Props to create personal American
         Wolf Creek Players production are on hiatus               Gothic portraits may be available. Tours of house
         during this pandemic. Future plays will be                interior on select dates.
         announced through mailings and Facebook.

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