Page 15 - Central Iowa 2023 Travel Guide
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bouton             THE NATIONAL HOBO MUSUEM              carlisle            DRAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY
                                      52 Main Ave South                                         115 Drake Ave
         DAYTON STAGECOACH INN        641-843-9104 or britthobodays@gmail   RANDALEMAN HOUSE/CARLISLE   641-856-6676
                                      Open after Memorial Day & closed after Hobo               Mon-Fri 10-6; Sat 10-2
         14750 Pecos Ct.              Days Weekend, Thurs & Fri 10-4; Sat 9-12.   HISTORICAL SOCIETY  Designed by E.C. Eastman and dedicated
         515-465-3577                 Call or email before visiting to make sure   245 Pennsylvania Ave  on January 15, 1903 the library features a   open as we rely on volunteers.  515-989-9999       restored, beautiful stained glass dome and
         Available to rent May 1-Oct 31, plus April &   Boasting a vast collection of authentic  has served the citizens of Appanoose County
         Nov. when conditions permit  artifacts, memorabilia, paintings,   See website for hours  for well over 100 years.
         The restored historic Stagecoach Inn is   photographs, and more.  The collection tells   Visit this beautiful Victorian treasure, built
         available for overnight rentals. Fully equipped   the century long story of the people who   at the turn of the 20th Century.  Breakfast   IOWA’S LARGEST HISTORIC
         kitchen, 2 bathrooms with ADA showers, 3   lived the hobo way of life and highlights   served 4th Saturday of the month. Guided   SQUARE DISTRICT
         bedrooms that sleep 9. Outdoor deck, table,   personal collections of the more notable   tours by appointment.  Downtown
         & fire ring. Only a few minutes drive to   American hobos including Steam Train Maury,   641-437-4102 (Chamber)
                                      the Pennsylvania Kid, Connecticut Slim, the
         recreation trails.                                        LOG CABIN MEMORIAL FOR
                                      Hard Rock Kid, & Frisco Jack.  Large archive   CHARLES F. FOULKE   District includes 119 properties on the
                    britt             of documents and recordings, and a small   989 S. 5th St. – Carlisle Cemetery  National Register of Historic Places in
                                      theater where hobo life documentaries can be
                                      viewed.  Gift shop with souvenirs from items   515-989-9999  Victorian and Italianate architectural styles,
         ARMSTRONG HOUSE MUSEUM       made by hobos & t-shirts.      a Civil War monument and cannon, and a
                                                                   Corp. Foulke (1825-1911) served in Co. D.   3-story courthouse with a green tile roof.
         266 2nd St SE / 641-843-3282                              Iowa 34th infantry.  His life is commemorated   Contact the chamber regarding walking tours.
         Mem Day Weekend-Labor Day – Sun       brooklyn            with an unusual log cabin tombstone.
         1:30-4 or by appt                                         Annual cemetery walk held in September
         Queen Anne home circa 1896 includes    BROOKLYN HISTORICAL MUSEUM  with local high school drama student   THE MAJESTIC THEATER
         two three-story-high corner towers,                       depicting historical figures
         multiple upper-story balconies, and    304 Jackson        buried there.                100 N 13th St.
         wrap-around porch. Home of Hancock County   641-522-7744 / By appt.                    641-437-1025
                                      Built in 1869, the William Manatt House is      
         Historical Society.                                       STAINED GLASS WINDOW AT
                                      home to the Brooklyn Historical Museum.    METHODIST CHURCH   Centerville’s most exquisite theater – The
         GEORGE E. STUBBINS HOUSE     Historical information, gifts and unique                  Majestic is located just across the street from
                                      artifacts from the area are featured.  School & 4th Streets  the Continental Hotel. Includes a movie and
         248 1st Ave SW / 641-843-3647 / By appt.                  515-989-3552                 live theater production space as well as an
         Queen Anne Victorian Home with Gothic   HISTORIC ROUTE 6 ATTRACTIONS  upstairs ballroom and lounge. Perfect for
         influences, built in 1886. Large central foyer,           Tues, Wed & Thurs 8 am-2 pm  weddings, receptions and more!
         keyhole balustrade, open bridal staircase.  Stunning stained-glass window includes list
                                      Historic Route 6 Wall Mural, 118 West Front               MORGAN E. CLINE CITY PARK
         HANCOCK COUNTY AGRICULTURE   Street.  Mural was painted in 2015 dedicated   of soldiers, regiments, and company.  The
                                                                   window was re-dedicated in 2016.
         MUSEUM & PIONEER VILLAGE     to the Historic Route 6 and features an area              712 W Lane St
                                      for cars and motorcycles to drive up for a                641-4317-4339
         Hancock County Fairgrounds   photo backdrop.  Old Standard Station is   centerville
         641-843-4362                 located on the corner of Jackson Street and               Year round 7 am-11 pm
         Tours by appt.  Also open during county   Historic Highway 6.  Built in 1930, it was   Regional recreation draw includes city pool,
         fair, hobo convention, and draft horse show.   made of glazed block and is only one of a few   RATHBUN LAKE AREA  seven shelter houses that can be reserved
         Collection of restored farm machinery, tools   still in existence.  1950’s Replica Standard   (See listings under Rathbun Lake)  March 1-Sept 1, three tennis courts and
         and related items used in farming during the   Station is located at 1675 Old 6 Road just   premier disc golf course, plus 1 mile paved

         1800s and early 1900s.       west of Brooklyn on Historic Highway 6.  APPANOOSE COUNTY HISTORICAL   trail with seasonal story walk boards.
         2210 Jewell Ave              Corner of Jackson & East Des Moines St.    100 W Maple St.
         641-843-0214                 Outdoors               Life-sized metal sculpture of John Wayne who   Wed-Fri 1-4 & by appt  did you know?
         A .4-mile dirt, semi-banked oval track located   lived in Brooklyn briefly as a child.   The main museum is located in the former
         southeast of Britt.                                       Centerville, Iowa post office, a beautiful
                                      FLAG DISPLAY                 architectural gem built in 1903 and on the   The National Hobo
         NATIONAL HOBO CEMETERY       Jackson St                   National Register of Historic Places.  Learn
         Evergreen Cemetery           641-522-5488 / Year-round outdoors   about Appanoose County’s history & famous   Festival has been held

         N.E. Diagonal Street         Permanent display of flags featuring a   residents.             annually in Britt
         641-843-9104                 20-foot by 38-foot US flag on a 50- foot pole.
         The National Hobo Cemetery has a large   The giant flag is surrounded by flags from all   APPANOOSE COUNTY   since 1900.
         railroad tie cross. Homemade Hobo   50 states, armed services, and other special   MUSEUM AND OLD JAIL
         Headstones mark many of the graves.    interest flags.    527 N Main St
         Hobo Memorial Service held each year                      641-856-8040
                                               cambridge           By appt.
         on Friday morning during National Hobo
                                                                   Built in 1872, the residence is furnished with
         THE NATIONAL HOBO            CENTER GROVE ORCHARD         period articles. Visitors can also see an 1847
                                                                   log cabin.
         CONVENTION/BRITT HOBO DAYS   32835 610th Ave                                                did you know?
         Second weekend in August     515-383-4354                 APPANOOSE COUNTY         FREEDOM ROCK                      Enjoy a train ride &
         Since 1900 the City of Britt has hosted   Visit website for opening dates and
         the National Hobo Convention annually.    seasonal hours.   Courthouse Square District        farmyard fun at
         Weekend family festival filled with hobo   U-Pick and pre-picked apples and pumpkins,
         culture, entertainment, and activities at the   Country Store and made-from-scratch Bakery,   Center Grove orchard
         Hobo Jungle and around town.  Parade,   food venues, Corn & Hay Mazes, Jumping   Part of the Freedom Rock Tour, featuring
         free mulligan stew, Hobo King & Queen   Pillow, Corn Pool, Apple Slingshot, Rubber   images of Civil War Brig. Gen. Francis   in Cambridge.
                                                                   Drake, the first USS Iowa, and a soldier
         Coronation, music, food, carnival and more.     Duck Races, one-room schoolhouse, Super
                                      Slides, Storybook Land, farm animals, and   being greeted by his daughter following
                                      more! Campfires, group outings, and tours by   deployment.
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